So Fair a Lady
By: Amber Lynn Perry
Eliza Campbell is mourning her father's death and what she learned from him on his death bed: he had been a spy for the Sons of Liberty and in his last moments, urged her to seek and find "the truth." As a result, Eliza turns down a proposal from her beau Samuel Martin, a British Officer, knowing she first must do as her father asked. She is determined to find out why he turned from his allegiance to the king.
Thomas Watson, a patriot, has been blackmailed for too long by none other than Officer Martin. He plans to flee Boston and settle down in the small town of Sandwich, MA. Little does he know his actions place Eliza and her sister, Kitty, in danger. Having known their father, he vows to do whatever he must to ensure their safety and winds up taking them along to Sandwich.
Thomas, Eliza and Kitty must stay hidden as Officer Martin searches for them. As truth is revealed and secrets come to light, will allegiances change? Being in close quarters with each other does nothing to help Eliza with her growing feelings towards this man who knew her father and fought for the same liberties. Thomas also struggles with wanting to protect these women, but risks losing his heart to the eldest in return.
During this time the political world was in turmoil and many people were confused as to what was right and which side they should pledge their allegiance to. Eliza and Kitty both are thrown into change and must choose whether to join their late father's cause or do nothing and remain passive. Much is the same with our world today. We must seek truth, both politically and spiritually, and in doing so, we find the courage to stand firm in our beliefs.
Both Thomas and Eliza have strong faith in our Creator. Seeking Him and His will for their lives during this time of division is important to both. Would He call them to honor and submit to their authorities, or is it a time when oppression must be fought against? All will be called to determine which path they will walk down but they must do so by seeking the Lord and striving to follow His guidance.
Squeal Factor
We loved the romance this book offered. From the first meeting, to the development of feelings and the journey thereafter is simply satisfying. This read is filled with tender moments, sigh worthy kisses and deep affection.
Thank you to author Amber Lynn Perry for writing an emotional, historical romance that kept us turning the pages late into the night. So thankful we read it and these 2 chicks eagerly await the rest of the series!series!
Find it on Amazon: So Fair a Lady
Find it on Amazon: So Fair a Lady