Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The Painter's Daughter (by: Julie Klassen)

The Painter's Daughter

By:Julie Klassen

Sophie Dupont is heartbroken when she finds that her love, Wesley, has sailed for Italy and left her only a note for a goodbye - clearly an indication that she did not mean the same to him. To further her distress, Wesley has left Sophie in a serious predicament. When his brother, Captain Stephen Overtree, arrives in town and discovers the trouble Wesley has left behind, he is strangely drawn to Sophie, with a desire to protect and save her reputation. 

Julie Klassen is a wonderful storyteller and keeps every page interesting as these two set out on a life married to someone they barely know, journeying through the English countryside, encountering fascinating characters and stumbling upon mysteries.

While the issues in this book are by no means shallow, it is with a lighthearted pen that author Julie draws us in and lets us feel what the characters are experiencing without making the reader feel weighed down. Past mistakes, dysfunctional families, first impressions and societal expectations are some of the issues dealt with.

Captain Overtree is a faithful man who follows the Lord's leading in his life and greatly respects the deep faith of his lifelong nurse, who speaks to God on a regular basis. Sophie doesn't care to have much to do with the Lord since the death of her mother, but slowly warms up to the idea of her own need for a Savior.

Squeal Factor
Marriage of Convenience stories almost always provide us with sweet sighs and expectation! The simple fact that husband and wife share close quarters is enough to help their love grow, and this read is no exception. Despite Captain Overtree's stern demeanor, Sophie slowly learns that the man inside is a gentleman with integrity, worthy of her devotion and love.

While this book had a wonderful storyline, it felt a little anti-climactic and predictable near the end. Had it gone a little deeper or explored a few plots more thoroughly, we could have given it four stars.

Find it on Amazon: The Painter's Daughter

Note: We were given this book in exchange for our honest review 

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